Tamilnadu council for Open Schooling has been registered under Government of Tamilnadu to provide education to people from all streams. It will strive towards providing Open Schooling and Distance Education with stress on Quality Education. It will prepare appropriate course curriculum for the development of Open Schooling and Distance Education.
Tamilnadu Council for Open Schooling will provide Certificate / Diploma / PG.Diploma Courses for those belonging to disadvantaged groups who could not complete regular schooling due to various circumstances and to people belonging to economically weaker sections who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the normal course of life.
Tamilnadu council will provide professional services in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student community for work.
Tamilnadu Council for Open & Distance Learning conducts the following programmes,
1. Certificate / Diploma Courses (6 months / 1 Year)
2. D.P.Ed / Yoga / தமிழ் பண்டிட் பயிற்சி / Nanny care
3. Post Graduate Diploma Courses (Co-Operative Mgmt / Hospital Mgmt)
4. E-MBA / A-MBA / Charter Diploma Engg (Mech/Civil/Electrical)
5. D.T.Ed / Montessori / Advanced Montessori / D.EL.Ed (2 Years)
6. BA(OUS) / MA(OUS) / MA(English)
7. B.Ed (1 Year) / BA.,B.Ed
For more details, kindly refer www.tamilnaducouncil.ac.in